Mitigate Pain Clinic – Dr Jeshnu Tople – Pain Management Specialist In Nagpur
Ozone nucleolysis is a cutting-edge, minimally invasive procedure that uses medical-grade ozone gas to shrink the herniated disc. The ozone is injected into the disc to reduce its size and alleviate pressure on the nearby nerves, offering significant pain relief. This procedure is a safe, effective alternative to surgery for many patients suffering from a slipped disc.
Nerve blocks are injections of medication near the nerves that are causing pain. These blocks provide pain relief, making it easier for patients to participate in rehabilitation exercises.
Preventing slipped discs and sciatica involves making lifestyle adjustments to reduce strain on the spine:
You should consult a specialist at Mitigate Pain Clinic if you experience:
Non-surgical treatments for slipped discs include a range of minimally invasive interventional procedures aimed at relieving pain and promoting healing without the need for surgery. These treatments include epidural neuroplasty, nerve root blocks, ozone nucleolysis, PRF and spinal cord stimulator, which target inflammation and provide pain relief.
Recovery time after interventional treatments varies from person to person. Many patients experience significant pain relief within a few days to weeks. Full recovery can take several weeks, and patients are encouraged to follow a rehabilitation plan to strengthen the spine and prevent future injury.
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